Curriculum vitae Pieter Masereeuw PDF iconPDF-version Word iconWord-version Nederlandse flagKlik hier voor de Nederlandstalige versie

General data

Name Masereeuw, Pieter Christiaan
Date of birth November 5, 1957 (Amsterdam)
Civil status Married, 4 children
Address Anna van Saksenstraat 25; 1901 TH Castricum
Phone/mobile +31 251 670964, +31 6 20786265
Email (please replace the pound sign)
See also (in Dutch)
Picture (Picture)

Education and experience

High school 1970-1976. Grammar-school (French, German, English, Greek, Latin, Dutch, History)
B.A. University of Amsterdam, 1976-1981, cum laude (classical languages)
M.A. University of Amsterdam, 1981-1988, cum laude (Latin linguistics, Computer Science and General Linguistics)
Programming and scripting languages Java, Javascript, C++, C, Pascal/Delphi, Prolog, Smalltalk, Perl, Unix shells, JSP, PHP, ACL (Arbortext Command Language), 8086-Assembler
Platforms Unix (Solaris, Ultrix, AIX, Linux), VMS, AOS/VS, Macintosh, Windows NT
Formalisms SGML, HTML, XML, XSLT, SVG, XSL-FO, XML Schema, lex/yacc, javaCC, SQL, ..

Overview of current and past jobs

1/1/2008- Freelance work via ZZP Oké Pieter Masereeuw.
A list of customers: Sanoma Learning, Uitgeverij Malmberg, Ten Brink Offset, NEN (standardization), Ambrac/Boom Uitgevers Den Haag, Ambrac/Kluwer, D-reizen, Uitgeverij Pegasus, Politieacademie, Nationale Politie, DCT (a.o.. for Vanderlande Industries, DAF, Nedtrain and Damen Shipyards), CAK (via Informaat), Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie, iCtrl (for Lloyds Register Rail Europe and for Nedtrain), Uitgeverij Springer/BSL, The Docworkers, SDU, Van Dale Lexicografie, Uitgeverij Thieme, Logica (fpr ING/Postbank), TNT Post Electronisch zakendoen,
1/1/2004-31/1/2008 ICT coordinator for Alfabase in Alphen aan den Rijn. Also 1 day per week freelance work.
1/11/2000-31-/12/2003 IT Team leader at PlantijnCasparie Data in Heerhugowaard (4 days a week). Also 1 day per week freelance work. Job ended because of company close down.
1/06/1999 - 31/10/2000 Software engineer at Ambrac B.V. in Utrecht.
1/01/1997 - 30/05/1999 System analyst/programmer at the Institute for Dutch Lexicology (INL) in Leiden.
1/12/1995 - 31/12/1996 System developer at Informaat in Baarn.
1/11/1986 - 1/12/1995 System analyst/programmer at the Computer department of the Arts Faculty of the University of Amsterdam.
1/03/1984 - 1/11/1986 Technical programmer at two research project founded by the Dutch Government (ZWO): Conversion of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and its application to automatic parsing of English language texts.
1/05/1983 - 1/07/1985 Programmer and system manager at the Computer department of the Arts Faculty of the University of Amsterdam.
1/09/1979 - 1/09/1983 Research assistant at the Latin department of the University of Amsterdam, with the task to develop computer software for the retrieval of linguistic phenomena from Latin text corpora.
1/09/1979 - 1/03/1984 Student job: PTT Telephone Exchange in Amsterdam (international telephone connections).

Self-employed via ZZP Oké Pieter Masereeuw, starting at January 2008

As a freelance worker, I aim at obtaining assignments that match my experience and interest areas. These areas are mainly text technology but sometimes also language technology. Examples of these are:

For this kind of projects, I prefer to use open standards, among which XML, SGML, XSLT, XSL-FO, SVG and XHTML. For the development of computer programs I prefer development environments that allow my software, including a GUI, to run on various platforms. This implies that, apart from webbased interfaces and XSLT, Java/Java Swing is my favourite programming platform.

My most recent employers:

Alfabase Cross Media Solutions, 2004-January 2008

Alfabase Cross Media Solutions is part of the American-European Sheridan group. The company disinguishes itself from ordinary printing and POD companies by advanced prepublishing activities and a high degree of automatization. Other automatization activities are automatic order intake and order processing.

At Alfabase Cross Media Solutions, prepublishing activities are focused on the automatical (without human intervention) formatting of structured data (XML, SGML) into attractively rendered PDF files. Another activity is making the manual publishing process (DTP) smarter by means of scripting and tools for co-operation via the internet.

Software for automatic order intake and order processing is created mainly for POD (printing on demand) activities of other companies within the Sheridan group. It is an international activity that enables customers (large publishing houses) to send their files to a central place, after which print jobs are distributed over the various Sheridan companies in the world. This leads to a large reduction of distribution times and expenses.

My task at Alfabase and Sheridan was the co-ordination of ICT development activities. These activities comprised:

Freelance activities, one day a week, during this perion (2004-January 2008)

My freelance activities included:

Other job-related activities

PlantijnCasparie Heerhugowaard, 2000-2003

PlantijnCasparie Heerhugowaard was a company that had more or less the same activities as my later employer Alfabase. Apart from being a printing company, it specialized in prepublishing and automatization. Unfortunately, the owner of the company made an end to this activities and closed down the Heerhugowaard company. I left before the closing down became effective.

At PlantijnCasparie I was team leader of a team of software developers and a web designer. Apart from that, I was involved in programming activities.

I was also hired to conversion projects at Kluwer Alphen/Deventer and to a project where I created the interface logic for a web application of a route planner that took congestion expectancies into account (at Rijkswaterstaat, part of the Dutch governmemt).


At PlantijnCasparie my team and I were involved in the following activities:

Ambrac, 1999-2000

The Ambrac company renders services for the processing of XML and SGML. At Ambrac, I was involved in the following activities:

Institute for Dutch Lexicology (INL), 1997-1999

At this institute, I was the single developer. As such, I was involved in:

Informaat, 1995-1996

At Informaat, I participated in the development of a system (Dox) that allowed company information to be entered in a structured way, in order to exported to various media, such as print, RTF-files and hypertext files.

Development was carried out in the mother of all object oriented languages, Smalltalk.

University of Amsterdam: Department of Latin and Computer Department of the Faculty of Arts, 1979-1995

Computer Department of the Faculty of Arts rendered services to the Arts faculty and the university as a whole. At the time when computers were not yet seen anywhere, it offered computing facilities and standard software (often home-made) for research in the faculty. I was involved in the following projects:

Other work-related activities